Monday, February 12, 2024

Here I Go Again

Here I go again!  I will soon depart from my hometown, El Paso, TX, to the Vicariate of San Jose de las Amazonas in Iquitos, Peru.  I will be on mission for three years as I lend administrative support in the offices of the vicariate.  I look forward to serving my brothers and sisters in Christ as I share my love of God, my Catholic faith, and the Gospel.  I also look forward to sharing my gift of being bilingual (Spanish/English) as I work alongside others to advance the vicariate’s mission to better the lives of the people it serves. Please keep me in your prayers as I answer God’s call to mission once again!  Be assured that you will be in my prayers as well.  

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Update and Retreat

Greetings from the Amazonian city of Iquitos in Peru!   The last few months have been challenging for me, but with God´s grace I now feel ...